Paying extra for an exhaust fan in a bathroom may seem like an unneeded expense. But, the costs of not having one can be much higher. With winter coming tenants are going to be less likely to open a window and allow airflow in the bathroom. In addition, the cold air this winter is going to make the steam in a bathroom condense on the walls and not be overly effective at getting the moisture out. Just consider how exhaust fans protect your investment.
How Much Can a Fan Save You?
Consider a bathroom that’s 60 square feet. Bathrooms in newer houses can be more than twice that size. Older ones can be as small as 35 square feet so sixty square feet is a good mean.
Using very rough math, in a 6X10 bathroom you will have to coat 190 square feet. That means a gallon of primer and a gallon of finish paint. Yes, that means you will have some left over. Either way you’ll be buying the paint and primer in gallons.
Paint Isn’t Free
A gallon of stain hiding primer is going to be about $15 and a quality color coat is going to be a minimum of $35. Your total is $50 in paint and primer. This doesn’t include any masking materials, roller cartridges or paint brushes if you need them. So, honestly you will be at about $70 minimum with tax by the time you have the necessary supplies.
Doing The Work Isn’t Free
Now that it’s established you’ll be into the project for a minimum of $70, consider labor. The preparation of the walls and the application of paint and primer aren’t going to happen by themselves. If it’s done well, in a bathroom, especially one that hasn’t had an exhaust fan, should be cleaned with bleach and wiped down with clear water before priming and painting. That takes time and effort, or money.
It Ain’t Just Paint
Painting is not the only thing that will need to be done. In all probability, the caulking around the tub and shower surround will not look good and will have to be scraped away and replaced. That’s a lot of work or a lot of money to pay someone else to do it.
What Will It Do For Me?
An exhaust fan in a bathroom isn’t a panacea, but it’s an excellent preventative measure that helps protect your real estate investment. It will help prevent moisture damage to, not only the bathrooms in your rentals, but potentially other rooms as well.
Properly set up fans will evacuate humid air from any room in the house where correctly installed and help prevent mold. A high quality exhaust fan like a Panasonic fv-0510vsc1, is set up with a humidity sensor.
Also, the tenant doesn’t have to turn the fan on, and leave it on, until the moisture level is normal. It turns itself on and off with the humidity level. There will be no complaints from the tenants about noise. They’re whisper fans for a reason.
A Siren Vs. a Fan
This is a model of German dive bomber sirens. Its design scared and disoriented ground troops.

This is the rotor from an inexpensive exhaust fan. It looks very similar to the rotor from the WW2 dive bomber siren. No, it doesn’t scream like a siren. It’s design priority isn’t quiet operation however.

Just to compare, this is the fan motor from a Panasonic exhaust fan.

This is the turbine and housing in a Panasonic exhaust fan from D&S Electric Supply in Idaho Falls (208-522-3156). It’s been running quietly, nonstop, for over five years in a showroom in Idaho Falls . That’s why the blades are filthy. The design isn’t that of an air raid siren. It’s like a whisper quiet blower in the furnace in your home.

The Endgame
I looked at the inexpensive fans available at Home Depot and compared them to the Panasonic product. Panasonic has more value. The Panasonic unit equipped with a light and humidity sensor is only $150. That’s a small investment for the protection it offers against damage and the resulting costs in your investment property.
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