Investors expect that wear and tear on their rental properties will be the cost of doing business. Paint, carpet, appliances are all going to need to be replaced from time to time. More expensive items like roofs and heating systems often need to be budgeted for, however. It helps to know how long you can expect things to function.
If you have not already checked out our comprehensive report that identifies the market trends in the Idaho Falls rental market, we would love to get you a copy. It shows you what you need to know as an investor, particularly when it comes to multifamily rental properties.
At Jacob Grant Property Management, we know that investors can make better decisions when they have access to reliable data. We’re here to bring you that data and help you grow your investment portfolio. Our experience and leadership in the Idaho Falls rental market allows us to share what we know so you can apply it to your own rental properties.
A study commissioned three years ago showed that over 60 percent of most landlords owned only one rental property. When you consider that rental homes can provide cash flow, appreciation, diversification, equity growth, leverage, it seems like settling for one rental...