Jacob Grant Proudly Manages Homes for Rent in Eastern Idaho

We are the professional property management company that provides the best maintained and cleanest homes for rent in Idaho Falls and Pocatello. Find out why our current tenants want to keep staying in Jacob Grant rentals, even while shopping around for a new home.

 Leasing Hotline 24/7 – (208) 370-5199

Available PropertiesPay Rent

Summary of Rental Qualifications and Application Process

Required Information

  • Government Issued ID
  • Verification of income (pay stubs from the last 90 Days, 2 years tax returns if self -employed, or Letter of Employment)
  • Landlord contact info for last 2 years
  • All adults age 18+ must apply & pay a $45 app fee

Security Deposits and Move In Costs

The security deposit and first month’s rent are required to be paid in full before moving in (applicants lease start date is a determining factor). The lease start date must be within 14 days from the date the property is available. Please check the available date listed on the advertisement.


  • Income less than 2.5x monthly rent.
  • A minimum credit score of 580 from at least one applicant is required.
  • If self-employed, a minimum credit score of 650 is required.
  • Any eviction judgments within the last 10 years.
  • Any unpaid utility or landlord debts.
  • SSN (Social Security Number) / TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) on application doesn’t match on the credit report.
NOTE: We do not process incomplete applications. Please make sure your application includes all necessary materials prior to submitting.
Please allow us 48 hours to process the application, many times it will not take the full 48 hrs. We will get back to you as soon as we have an answer for you. Calling to check on the application status will only slow down the process. Jacob Grant Property Management does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, disability, source of income or any other federal, state of local laws regarding fair housing.

Our Current Vacancies

See Every Step of Our Application and Move In Process

Contact Jacob Grant for your Eastern Idaho Rental Home Needs

We want to hear from you! Call our office here: (208) 522-3138 and check out the links here to find the information you need.

Need a repair?

Please fill in a work order form so we can get an expert to take care of it quickly. Please note that some maintenance work is the responsibility of the tenant. If a service call is made and the problem is a tenant responsibility, the tenant will be charged at the regular service rate. For more information, check out our maintenance FAQ here.

Moving Out?

If you’re shopping around for a new rental home in Eastern Idaho, but want to keep staying in a Jacob Grant-managed property, check out our available listings.

In the meantime, please give us 30 days’ notice before you move so you can get your security deposit back. Find out more details here.

Got a Different Request?

If you have other concerns or questions regarding your lease, please email us and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Read Our Success Stories

"I've worked with Jacob Grant property management for several years now and they have been a great partner. They think of the things that I don't have time to think of. They come to me when we need to make bigger investments in my property, but most of the time, they just handle the issues that come up. Their team is proactive with their communication and if I reach out, they are responsive to my inquiries. I strongly recommend Jacob Grant for anyone looking for a good property manager." - Mark A.

"Jacob Grant representatives have always been very prompt and courteous in all my dealings with them. Most recently Jorge has gone above and beyond." - Ryan A.

"I've had a great experience investing through Jacob Grant. I get regular updates on how things are going that are complete and thorough. They are looking at the long term through their expertise. I've been investing with them for around 5 years now." - Brian D.

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